What To Do About Tactics Insurance Companies Use To Deny Claims?

If you have a slip and fall accident and you were on somebody’s property, when it occurred, or you were in a vehicle accident or even attacked by a neighbor’s dog, you will want to find out what the deal is with your insurance company as soon as possible. In order to receive some type of compensation, you have to meet with investigators and claims adjusters, hired by the insurance company. You will also most likely speak to the insurance company about your claim however, remember that the insurance has a goal to spend as little as possible and keep you happy too. There are four tactics that insurance companies will try to use in order to deny a claim. Here they are and what you can do about it. Read More

Are Broken Bones Common Consequences of Accidents?

Broken bones are undoubtedly amongst the serious complications which may stem from different types of accidents. These might require casting, physical therapy and even a surgery to get through. If a third party’s negligence has caused the accident in the first place, you should take advantage of the services of a personal injury lawyer in order to get the monetary compensation that you are legally entitled to. This would facilitate the process and make sure that your case is handled quicker. Read More

Are Icy Walkway Accidents Covered Under Tort Compensation Claims?

When it comes to slips and falls, these accidents clearly seem a lot less damaging and harmful than they are in reality. Did you know that there are reported cases of death as a result of a slip and fall accident? There are numerous cases of traumatic brain injuries and very harmful spinal cord ones as well. These are things that you need to take into very serious consideration when it comes to it because failing to do so could truly get you in trouble. Read More

Why Do Slip & Fall Accidents Lead To Serious Injuries?

Now, there are quite a lot of different accidents that might cause you to incur substantial damages. Slip and fall accidents, for instance, tend to be particularly dangerous, even though a lot of people don’t actually take them seriously. They think that there is nothing so serious that could take place and that’s the main issue – they are being careless while in fact the problem needs to be taken into account. Read More

Does Liability Stems From Slip And Fall On Ice?

Slip and fall accidents are quite commonly disregarded as being rather harmless. While it’s true that in the majority of times a sore back is all you’re going to get, there are some certain situations in which the circumstances might be rather dramatic. Spinal cord injuries, broken bones, brain damage – all of this aren’t excluded and it’s important to take the matter seriously.

However, when it comes to slip and fall, it’s undeniable that the majority of cases would derive from icy surfaces. These need to be properly accounted for. So, let’s place the emphasis on icy surfaces and how slip and fall injuries can be compensated.

Duty of care in slips and fall accidents related to icy surfaces

The majority of the accidents of this particular type are usually going to take place on sidewalks outside of buildings or on parking lots. This is where the liability needs to be sought after on behalf of the person who is responsible for the care of these premises. It’s almost always going to be the owner of the building or the parking lot.

However, in a lot of situations this owner would have contracted the services of a plow company which is designated to perform ice and snow removal in order to keep said parking lots as well as sidewalks clear and safe for pedestrians. Furthermore, there is also a duty which is owed by the pedestrians themselves that requires them to exercise a reasonable amount of care when they are walking on a surface that’s frozen. For instance, you can’t expect to be able to file for damages if you’ve been walking around in your flip-flops.

Documenting your accident

Once you slip and fall, the first thing that should come to your attention if you are not seriously injured is to document the case. Make sure to take pictures and gather the information about the people who are around you so you can use them as witnesses later on. This is crucial. Of course, you should immediately seek medical attention and get yourself the treatments that you need. However, make sure to keep every single document when it comes to it and ensure that everything is handled thoroughly, neatly and in an organized matter in order to easily build your case against the liable party.

In any case, keep in mind that you are going to be involved in a complicated procedure which requires quite a lot of consideration and understanding of the law. This is why you might want to take advantage of the services of a personal injury lawyer in the province of Ontario. This way you can ensure that your interests are properly taken care of. They are experts when it comes to tort law and usually work on contingency basis to make sure that you do not shy away from seeking legal assistance.

How To Proceed With A Claim After A Slip And Fall Accident?

Slip and fall cases are particularly common in Canada, and especially in Ontario. The reason for this is quite simple – winters are long and cold and walkways aren’t as clear as they need to be. This tends to create a lot of slip & fall potential and sometimes, inevitably, you are going to fall for it. Even though people tend to underestimate these types of accidents considerably, they are capable of inflicting tremendous damages. From broken spines to critical brain injuries, slip & falls are to be taken as seriously as any other accident in the field of personal injury law. With this in mind, we would like to provide you with a few helpful tips on how to proceed, from a legal stand point, so that you have the strongest case against the municipal institution responsible for that particular walk way.

1.    Get medical attention as soon as possible.

Now, the first thing that you need to do is to get medical attention. Safety must always come first, regardless of the situations and the potential legal consequences. However, once you do get the attention you need, make sure that you keep the paper trail of the pain. Appearing in court or in front of the insurer and stating that it was painful isn’t going to cut it – you should know that.

2.    Take pictures of the area of the accident.

This is another important thing to consider. The first thing that the insurance company is going to ask is where did the accident occur? If you are unable to definitively answer this, then your case is gone from the get-go. With this being said, taking pictures should be your priority number two.

3.    Secure witnesses.

Even though it may sound a bit strange to ask someone to remember the accident – it’s most certainly incredibly helpful. See if there is an eye witness to your accident and if there is – make sure to get his contact information. Let him know what it is all about and kindly ask for his assistance.

4.    Wear appropriate footwear.

The court is going to be a bit refrained from awarding you the compensation you claim if you were wearing flip flops during the accident. Wearing appropriate winter boots and falling regardless attests that the walk way was in truly terrible condition, which is something that’s going to play in your favor heavily. Furthermore, this is one of the tips that you would want to take into account when it comes to staying safe during cold winter conditions.

In any case, these should give you the merits for a solid case. Make sure to get these done and you are likely to get what you set out to in the first place. It is good to discuss the details with the lawyer and they take a note of it immediately. As time passes, you tend to forget the details and that is why taking action quickly is important.

Know More about Rules of Fault Determination

Personal injury is without a doubt, one of the busiest fields in the entire legal department. The reasons are rather obvious – accidents involving orthopedic and light injuries as well as common pedestrian, slip and fall and other forms of accidental occurrences happen every day and that’s the field which regulates them thoroughly. However it’s safe to say that the province of Ontario is amongst the leaders in numbers of vehicular accidents and it’s worth outlining the parties who are going to be taking part in an eventual trial procedure.

Regulating Act of Insurance

It’s worth noting that the province of Ontario is regulated by the Insurance Act of Ontario which contains rules of fault determination. There is one particular clause in those rules which is commonly referred to as the “No Fault” rule which renders the insurance company to pay off monetary compensation regardless of the assigned fault. This is why the majority of car accidents are never going to reach the courtroom. However, when there is excessive liability which isn’t covered by the insurance policy, the victim is fully entitled to compensation.

The victim is going to comprise the charging party which is referred to as a claimant or a plaintiff. The civil lawsuit is initiated with his claim. He has to stipulate the argument and the way in which his rights were affected as well as the compensation that he seeks from the court. This is the first stage of the trial which would involve an opposite party. A reporting judge is going to check the filing and decide whether or not it’s admissible. If it is, the injury lawyer of Kitchener is going to forward a copy for the defendant and he would be provided with one month to respond. The case is going to be moved forward afterwards regardless of whether or not he provides the court with an answer.

Role of defendant

The opposite party is called a respondent and he is generally the one who is being sued for the compensation. In the majority of cases he is the liable party but this is to determined by the court with the final ruling. In the civil lawsuit there is no sentence as there aren’t any criminal charges. This procedure does not seek punishment of the respondent but it seeks to compensate the injured party and restoring the actual balance in their relationship.

The civil lawsuit has stringent procedural provisions which have to be met thoroughly and that’s why the presence of an attorney is incredibly advisable. It’s just too much for an ordinary person to handle on his own even though it’s not impossible. However, it’s safe to say that this might lead to incompetent defense or claiming. Thus, it is best to consult a lawyer and hire them for providing you with the best information about the legal jargon and technicalities of the case. They will be able to protect your rights.