Suggested Strategy For Maximizing Size of Settlement Or Court-Ordered Award

A good strategy prepares the claimant for negotiations. Most claimants have in their minds the figure that would be an acceptable settlement amount.

That figure should not be shared with anyone. It serves as a way to judge the acceptability of the adjuster’s opening bid. A claimant’s opinion, with respect to what would be acceptable settlement amount, could change during the negotiations.

Personal injury lawyers always caution their clients against accepting the first offer.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Kitchener knows that some adjusters make a habit of presenting a low-ball offer, when making that first bid. A claimant’s readiness to accept such an offer could result in the delivery of an unfair compensation.

Still, a low-ball offer could alert a claimant to the fact that the figure in his or her mind was too low. If that figure were close to the adjuster’s bid, then it would need to be increased, in order to increase the claimant’s chances for getting a fair settlement.

Respond to a low offer with a written request for justification.

Ask for an explanation, regarding why that low amount has been presented. Put the request in writing, and send it to the adjuster. During the next contact with the adjuster, inquire, regarding whether or not he or she is ready to respond to your request.

During any contact or communications with one of the adjusters, or other representatives from the insurance company, emphasize any emotional points.

• Is there any accident history for the location where the reported collision took place? If so, mention that during your conversation.
• How has the accident-linked injury affected your life? Provide some details on those effects during your conversations.
• If you have a photograph of your damaged vehicle, consider attaching it to your demand letter.

Know when to decrease the amount demanded.

Do not decrease the size of the demanded amount until you have received a new offer from the adjuster.

Be ready to hire a lawyer, if necessary.

Know what sorts of situations a lawyer does the best job of handling.

–Situations where the insurance company has questioned the allegations about who was at-fault.
–Situations where the insurance company has questioned the claims about the severity of a given injury
–A situation where the injured victim has reported the need for future medical treatments, and the adjuster has questioned that need.

Get the settlement terms in writing

Ask to be given a date when the anticipated check should arrive at your address or at your lawyer’s office. Make sure that the amount you have been expecting is the same as the one that has been quoted in the confirmatory document. If it is not, speak with the adjuster, or consult with your attorney.