How The Canadian Government Monitors Safety of Consumer Products?

The Canadian government pays experts that devote their time to checking for discovery of some defect in a product being sold to consumers. It also pays inspectors, who check on the contents of product labels. Such inspections lead to the amassing of lots of information.

The amassed information comes under study. Based on the nature of that same information, the government might decide to issue an alert.

What agency issues the alerts?

Those come from Health Canada.

What is the nature of those alerts?

Some of them are updates, explaining how a given product should be used. Some get presented to the public as an advisory announcement. Each announcement relates to a specific feature on a particular product.

Finally, Health Canada arranges for issuance of information on recalls. Each recall announcement lets consumers know about one or more products that have been recalled by a manufacturer.

Why would Health Canada issue a recall?

It takes that action when it has discovered that a particular product is unsafe to use.

For what reasons might a consumer product be considered unsafe?

It might be that it was poorly-designed. One automobile that was on the market briefly in the first decade of the 20th Century was poorly-designed. It had 6 wheels. Sometimes that car would seesaw back and forth, with the middle wheels staying fixed in one position.

A product could also become a danger to consumers if it became subject to an error at the manufacturing plant. For instance, a maker of tires might elect to use a low-grade rubber. That choice could lead to production of unsafe tires. Then the government would need to issue a recall.

A third way by which a product might become a danger to consumers relates to the observance, or lack of observance of good marketing practices. If consumers did not get clear and correct directions with a given product, that might result in performance by some consumer of a dangerous action.

For example, suppose that a marketing department somehow failed to get details on the maximum air pressure that a given tire could hold. Imagine what might happen if consumers were told that each tire could withstand a pressure that exceeded the tire’s actual capacity? Some consumer might keep pumping air in a tire to the point where it blew up.

Obviously, the government would do its best to prevent such a tragic occurrence. Consequently, it could announce a recall of the tires with the bad set of directions. Alternately, it might focus on making sure that consumers had access to a better set of directions, along with details on the brand of tire to which those directions applied.

Despite that there are many instances where people get injured due to a product defect. They need to contact an Injury Lawyer in Milton, so that they can get the entitled compensation.