Do I Need A Lawyer’s Help With An Injury-Related Insurance Claim?

If you have been injured in an accident, you have the right to submit a personal injury claim. You do not need a lawyer, in order to submit a claim at with the insurance company of the responsible party. Still, you might need assistance, as you tackle the next set of steps.

Do you have the ability to meet the challenges that are associated with the next set of steps?

• Can you be assertive, when you are fighting for your rights?
• Can you be assertive, while showing respect to the judge?
• Are you ready to write a demand letter, and then negotiate with an insurance adjuster on the phone? Do you have any experience with bargaining?
• Do you stand ready to take advantage of the fact that you are the one who understands best just how greatly your injury has affected your life?
• Do you have any of the specialized knowledge that might be required for your particular case? For instance, would you know how to proceed against a physician that has been charged with medical malpractice, or a manufacturer that has placed a defective and dangerous product on the market?

Why you should think twice before deciding to represent yourself?

If you have suffered a serious injury, an injury lawyer in Kitchener could help you to get between 10% and 25% more money than you could obtain on your own. The compensation for a serious injury is large. Hence, an increase over that large amount could be enough to justify the lawyer’s fee.

Depending on the nature of your injury and the method used to treat it, the insurance company might question your claims, regarding the serious nature of your condition. An attorney would know how to highlight any struggles that you have encountered, as you have tried to live with the effects of your injury.

If you had to undergo several procedures, in order to have the nature of your injury diagnosed, you could encounter reluctance on the part of the insurance company to reimburse you for the cost of those diagnostic procedures. A lawyer’s help could prove useful, if you had to account for the fact that you had spent so much money on obtaining a diagnosis.

If you were to proceed on your own, then you ought to have some understanding of what your case is worth. Are you familiar with the method used by insurance companies, in order to determine a case’s worth?

You need to be careful, if you have suffered lots of property damage. The insurance company might look for evidence that you could be held partly responsible for that damage. It helps to have a lawyer, if you need to fight such a charge.